Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HAIZ... =(

Inside me, I know.. I had not been doing OK for this whole semester... =( And, exams are around the corner, I really odd to work HARDER and buck up with my studies!!


P.S. Please do keep me in all your prayers...

Monday, October 5, 2009


The 4 of us @ Honey Wok
It was mid-autumn festival on saturday.. And so we gathered, over a simple meal, ate the mooncake, drank the tea.. BUT!! too bad, it was raining, so, the moon was no where in sight!! =(
Still, it was a fun and relaxing night, with stories shared and lame jokes told...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Motivation, oh MOTIVATION!!

Been wondering what is happening to me these days!! There had been so many things cluttering my mind till I am unsure exactly what was or is in there?? HELP!!! =(

At times, I feel GREAT and really motivated to work on my assignment BUT at times, I just felt LISTLESS and lost for directions!! Is this the so called BIPOLAR DISORDER?? Well, I guess all human will suffer this at some point in time in their life, don't they??

And to make things WORSE, my back pain had been constantly haunting me these days TOO, and you guess it, the sleep problem tag along as well.. As a result, I NEVER REALLY HAD A PEACE OF MIND SINCE..

HAIZ.. =(