Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Undergraduate Life is OVER!!!

I finally managed to submit my honours thesis on the 28th Oct (2010) after 2 sleepless nights.. And as usually, I do not think it is UP TO MARK, but anyway, is SUBMITTED!! Had the thesis defense a couple of days ago.. If you were to ask me, I think it went well (or OK), nothing major or too difficult. The good news was, I was hinted that I will probably get the first class!! *FINGERS (and toes) CROSSED*

Now, is backed to getting all the amendment corrected, done and printed for submission of the hard bound copy, then it will be OFFICIALLY OVER!! =( And that will also mean that I will be back to a working adult life SOON AGAIN!! HAHA.. =P

Life after thesis submission is MORE stress than expected. I am suddenly SWAMPED with stuff that I DESPERATELY need to complete before i return to Singapore; experiments after EXPERIMENTS, PACKING for departure, CLEANING UP the house for inspection, and tonnes of other ADMINISTRATIVE stuff to be done TOO!! =( Let's hope that I will get all the MOTIVATIONS I will need to get it DONE and also finished it ON TIME!!

I MISS home and yet i do not want to go back (NOT THAT I LIKE THIS PLACE)!! How irony??

Thursday, September 30, 2010

FINAL Honours Seminar

Done with the final presentation for my honours year today! Frankly speaking, if you were to ask me, I would say, it can't get any WORST!! But well.. I SURVIVED and is time to let go, move forth and to write up a GOOD THESIS!!

Went to check out what was wrong with the QC for the FACSAria, and got to know that the target value was positioned wrongly (somehow) and it so happen that the in-charge was there and I was the ONLY user all this while... And YES, you got it! It seem that the BLAME had somehow shifted toward me.. =( Honestly, I HATE THAT SHIT HOLE...

Well well well, ONE MORE MONTH, or maybe 2!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

HUPO 2010

Was away for a FANTASTIC conference at Sydney Convention Hall this week.. Honestly, I was BLOWN AWAY by the technologies and the things that are actually going on!! I am glad that I went, not only for the GOOD SCIENCE but also to be able to catch up with a couple of GOOD friends from Singapore.. Through this, NOW I KNOW, friends had kept me sane!!

Well well well.. time to get back to work! The clock is TICKING and I have got about a month till my submission!! Keep me going people...

Till then... =)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Music/Lyrics: Amy Sand

我不喜歡一個人 孤獨一個人
我期待有人陪我 陪我渡過

曾經總是一個人 孤獨一個人
我期待有人陪我 陪我渡過

陪我一起歡笑 陪我一起流淚陪我回憶 陪我夢
給我一個擁抱 一些些安慰
陪我一起歡笑 陪我一起流淚陪我回憶 陪我夢
分享我的一切 喜樂與哀愁

如今不再一個人 孤獨一個人
找到一份真愛 耶穌的愛

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

what a day, A BAD DAY!!

I officially HATE FACSAria!!

Nothing that involved this instrument seem to be able to work for me, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! And the worst thing is, the person in charge of the equipment (or the facility) isn't gonna do anything much about it!! What's more, everytime I report a fault, it SOOOOOOooo seem that I am incapable of using the instrument!!

FED UP!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhh!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Leading a Quiet Life...

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

-- 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 --