Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Undergraduate Life is OVER!!!

I finally managed to submit my honours thesis on the 28th Oct (2010) after 2 sleepless nights.. And as usually, I do not think it is UP TO MARK, but anyway, is SUBMITTED!! Had the thesis defense a couple of days ago.. If you were to ask me, I think it went well (or OK), nothing major or too difficult. The good news was, I was hinted that I will probably get the first class!! *FINGERS (and toes) CROSSED*

Now, is backed to getting all the amendment corrected, done and printed for submission of the hard bound copy, then it will be OFFICIALLY OVER!! =( And that will also mean that I will be back to a working adult life SOON AGAIN!! HAHA.. =P

Life after thesis submission is MORE stress than expected. I am suddenly SWAMPED with stuff that I DESPERATELY need to complete before i return to Singapore; experiments after EXPERIMENTS, PACKING for departure, CLEANING UP the house for inspection, and tonnes of other ADMINISTRATIVE stuff to be done TOO!! =( Let's hope that I will get all the MOTIVATIONS I will need to get it DONE and also finished it ON TIME!!

I MISS home and yet i do not want to go back (NOT THAT I LIKE THIS PLACE)!! How irony??

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