Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy... (n VEXED!!)

Hello WORLD!!

It's been long since I last blog about my life in Sydney..

Well, things hasn't change much, term is ending in 2 weeks time and that will mark the start of my first MAJOR EXAM, after a good 5 year!! This is a little scary, but with the assurance from all of the people back at home, I will continue to jiayou and DO WELL for all my papers... =P

There are still 5 more assignments underway (2 grp report, 1 pair poster presentation, 1 protein modelling assignment and 1 self reflection) and it is all due in 2 weeks time!! STRESSED!! But i guess, things will definitely work out, if I plan well enough, plus giving some extra time to do works that some leech odd to do? haha =P

Well, an additional things for now.. I might be shifting out from my current place if the school apartment is available for semester 2.. However, this might mean that I will be stuck in yet another housing problem, as the current lease end in August.. Pray that thing will turn out well and I do not have to loss so much money(~A$900?) ... HAIZ =(

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