Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Lonely Cold Wednesday MORNING...

I woke up particularly early today!! I do not know why.. As usual, prepared myself for Uni but had the extra time for breakfast today and of cos.. COFFEE too!!

Walk up the endless steps again.. into the upper campus.. BUT it was exceptionally COLD today and the sense of loneliness just creeps in.. Oh, and did I mention, today marks the start of my 26th year on earth.. Felt OLD? LONELY? COLD? and worse.. all my WORKS didn't seem to have gone my way today!!

But well..

I have and made MANY great friends in Sydney.. although they will boss me around a little at times (JUST JOKING) but they are NICE people!! BEAUTI-FULL as one had put it!! haha..

They actually plan a "surprise" party for me, refused to acknowledge that it was my birthday today.. until SOMEONE spoils it all.. n i PRETENDED!! haha..


Thanks Friends for the thoughts and the MANY well wishes on FB..

Another chapter kept!!

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