Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lab Ranting...

In a blink of an eye, I am into the 11th week of my honours year..

So what are my thoughts? Well.. things HASN'T been that smooth; the column get CHOKED so every often, the FACS machine get DOWN every time I want to use it and worst of all, I had lost the inspiration to WRITE.. BUT STILL, I am pushing on..

Coming back on the weekend become a norm, not that I am SUPER HARDWORKING or SIAO (as Maine put it), BUT, I am trying to catch up on the lost time (given that I need FIVE DAYS to prepare my sample) and also to gain back my research momentum!! I must say, I do enjoy the peace I get in the lab during the weekend!!

My Workbench in Lab 202 (SHARED w my Supervisor)

I once told someone or a couple of you that I needed to stick around during the autoclaving process and I promised to tell you all just WHY in my blog post.. AND HERE IS IT!! Presenting THE Autoclave of Lab 202...


To be frank, I am kinda of in a dilemma.. I am longing to end this "SHIT" but at the same time, I am worried of the "shit" that will be WAITING FOR ME ahead.. HAIZ...

P.S.: Pray that I still have a SOUND MIND when I return to SINGAPORE.. =(

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