Friday, April 17, 2009


I am so pissed NOW.. With myself, my group mates and the progress of my group assignment 2 for Commercial Biotech (IP and Patent Report), which is due on Tuesday (21 Apr 09).. I've got tonnes to attend to at the moment and my group mates are not pulling in their fair share of the weight.. Especially the INDIAN GUY, always talk big and not do anything!!

Well, he is MIA now, with his lappy with me!! What good can he do right? Only talk big, volunteer to do this and that, then in the end.. OH, I WAS BUSY WITH MY HONORS PROJECT!!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Long Weekend!!

The Easter long weekend had just pass..

I wasn't really motivated to do any work over the long weekend.. Haiz=( What adds on to the frustration was.. I didn't get my lab results to work on and I cannot find the things I need for the other report!! VEXED!!!

Soooooooo.. I decided to take a shopping trip to Bondi Junction on Good Friday and to my surprise, ALL THE SHOPS WERE CLOSED!!! Then, I figure my way to the Bondi beach and took a stroll by the beach.. It was HOT that day...

Bondi Beach on Good Friday

Just yesterday, I pampered myself to a nice bowl of Katsu Don (Pork) as I was having craving for it.. Is very nice and reasonably priced!!

Katsu Don (Pork) @ A$ 8.90

Hopefully, after the break I gave myself, I will be able to focus and pick up the momentum again...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mixed Feeling..

Sometime I wonder, have I really settled down or am I still missing home and the things and people I left behind??

I am begining to find that Sydney is a beautiful place to be in, just that I am not giving myself that room to explore!! I guess, at times, I should just freed myself, and to wonder around Sydney and capture the beautiful memories in this part of my life journey..

I know I am stressing myself up, as a result, I am not as fruitful as I want to be.. Tommorrow is Easter Break, I odd to pamper myself to something good, but here I am, trying to finish up my reports!! I still need to tidy up some things that were not completed prior to my departure from TP.. =( I am under alot of STRESS but I believed, I will pulled thru and emerged STRONGER...

Things will be fine, as time goes by...

P.S.: Come, hold my hand, and walk with me thru this life journey...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mid Sem Ahead..

Going to start MUGGING for the mid-sem exam that is on Monday (Mol. Bio of Protein) and Tuesday (Commericial Biotech) .. Thou the content is not too heavy but I guess it will give me a good feel what is Exam like again, morever, it had been about five years since I last had a formal academic examination..

Instant Noodle w Mocha Coffee

Been having instant noodle and Mocha.. Haiz =( Shall treat myself to something good during the break.. =P

What time is it?!!?? It's MUGGING TIME!! Whahahaha.. =P