Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mixed Feeling..

Sometime I wonder, have I really settled down or am I still missing home and the things and people I left behind??

I am begining to find that Sydney is a beautiful place to be in, just that I am not giving myself that room to explore!! I guess, at times, I should just freed myself, and to wonder around Sydney and capture the beautiful memories in this part of my life journey..

I know I am stressing myself up, as a result, I am not as fruitful as I want to be.. Tommorrow is Easter Break, I odd to pamper myself to something good, but here I am, trying to finish up my reports!! I still need to tidy up some things that were not completed prior to my departure from TP.. =( I am under alot of STRESS but I believed, I will pulled thru and emerged STRONGER...

Things will be fine, as time goes by...

P.S.: Come, hold my hand, and walk with me thru this life journey...

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