Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sydney appear ORANGE today..

Dear Diary,

Massive sand storm today, setting the scenaries of Sydney ORANGE throughout most part of the morning... With wind speed going up as high as 54Km/Hr, I have the feeling as if I was being BLOWN AWAY... =(

Beautiful scenary EXCEPT that the orangy effect was due to actual DUST!!

Well, well.. Life had been rather hectic for me.. =( My long anticipated mid-session break was overtaken by a week-long practical session!! BUT, it wasn't bad at all, it was filled with fun, laughter and JUICY GOSSIP and scandal too!! =P

Me with the subject coordinator (Alan Wilton)

My group mates for the week (Amy was sicked!!)

So what is a typical day like @ lab??

It start off with a BORING lecture (~2hr), telling us what we suppose to do for the day?

Followed by some serious (OR NOT SO SERIOUS) work?

And of course, LOTS OF WAITING TIME (and gossiping and scandal time?!!)

And also, acting studious and serious when it come to analysising our results!!

Not forgetting, time for EXPERIMENT 5!!??!

But the happiest of all, IT ENDED!! (not for all of us thou.. =P)

At a glance, only to realise how time had pass by... 5 more weeks and is going to be the end of session AGAIN!! MANY more assignmentS on the list, which includes 2 lab reports, a lab quiz and logbook for Biopharmaceutical, logbook and practical exam for Recombinant DNA, 3000-word essay for Human Biochemistry, and journal club and research grant proposal for my Research Project module!! After all this, IT WILL BE THE EXAMS ONCE AGAIN!!

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