Monday, March 30, 2009

@ Lab Session today...

There is a lab session for Mol Bio of Protein today, and guess what.. Out of the 5 people in my group, only the US gal and myself turned up!! And, there was alot to do..

1) His-Tag Purification of Carbamate Kinase using some nickel column
2) Bradford assay for the crude protein extracts
3) Casting of 2 SDS PAGE gels

And to the lab supervisors surprise, we were pretty much ahead of time and way ahead than the rest of the class and as such, I was also encouraged to perform another set of bradford assay for the fractionated samples, which is supposed to be carried out next weeks.. =)

Interesting.. Not to boast, but I really wondered WHY??!?!!

P.S.: I did the bradford assay for the fractionated samples too.. =)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Menu for e Week.. =P

Hi people, Food time again.. =P

Hazelnut Latte w Evil Swiss Chocolate Cake @ $5.00 (85 degree)

Salad (AGAIN) (23 Mar, Mon)

Not so nicely Grilled Chicken Drumlet with Baked Potatoes and Coleslaws (24 Mar, Tue)
Chicken Soup w Toasted Bread for Breakfast (25 Mar, Wed)

Mini Crisy Chicken Wrap from Macs ($2.45) for Lunch (25 Mar, Wed)

Cream Sauce Pasta w Ham for Dinner (25 Mar, Wed)

Bread w Fish Fillet n Cheese w Grapes for Lunch (26 Mar, Thu)

Cream Sauce Pasta with Chicken Nugget for Dinner (26 Mar, Thu)

Hearty Breakfast (27 Mar, Fri)

Sesame Oil Chicken, Fried Cabbage w Porridge for Dinner (27 Mar, Fri)

Curry Maggie Noodle w Luncheon Meat and Nugget for SUPPER (27 Mar, Fri)

Potato cooked w Chicken Wing w RICE cooked from a RICE COOKER($5) (28 Mar, Sat)
That's all folks... =P

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Stuff in my "Room"

2nd Hand Mattress @ $25 and Brand New Printer @ $49
After much thoughts and persuasion from people who cares.. I finally bought a mattress, for the good of my back!! I also bought a 3 in 1 printer as printing is REALLY EXPENSIVE here.. =(

Life's getting more mandate in Aussie already.. Breakfast.. Study @ School.. Dinner.. Study @ School.. Sleep and the cycle repeats!! Well, mid sem exam is in 2 weeks time, WISH ME LUCK!! =P

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Things I Eat in SYDNEY!!

I can finally start cooking in SYDNEY.. And the pictures below is going to remind me what I had for the first week of cooking..

Porridge with "Chao San Si" and Egg (14 Mar, Sat)

Carrot, Potato Chicken Soup and 2 Fish Fillet with Rice (15 Mar, Sun)

Salad (16 Mar, Mon)

Fried Cabbage w Carrot, 2 Fish Fillet and 2 Chicken Nugget with Porridge (17 Mar, Tues)

Lor Chicken Wing and Egg with Rice (18 Mar, Wed)

Potato, Ham and Baked Bean (Left) with Fried Rice (19 Mar, Thur)

Potato, Ham and Baked Bean (AGAIN), Unagi with Noodle (20 Mar, Fri)
Any new dishes will be added to the menu later... =P

Monday, March 16, 2009

Whee... =)


which means that I will need to work EXTRA hard now... =(

Saturday, March 14, 2009

School had STARTED on 09 Mar 09... =P

Welcome to The University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus.. =P

A typical day will see me walking for about 15min up hill to get to my faculty for lessons.. The pictures will tells a thousand words..

The "MAIN" Gate

About half way through the long stretch..

The first flight of stairs that I will encounter each day


n MORE..

After all the climbing, It is only about 2/3 way to my faculty.. I will still need to climb more stairs to the Library, walk through a canteen, up abit more stairs and finally you will get to see my faculty.. =(
Well.. the good things is that LESSONS HAD BEEN GREAT!! haha.. =P The lecturers here delivered quite clear and concise lecture content and lab session is filled with laughter.. I do hope that this first week experience will continue till the end..
It does feel weird to be a student again.. N learning things that I once taught other people how to.. This increases the expectation I have on myself and others on me!! BUT.. there is still this uncertainity about EXAMS and the system here.. Well, is been five years since I last had a formal education, so I thought that this should be normal right??
To all people reading this, I WILL PUT IN MY PERSONAL BEST AND MORE!! =P
Next stop, I will try to bring you all around my campus with the pictures that I will be taking and hopefully you all will be able to visualised how my campus is in Sydney.. =P

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

25th Birthday @ Sydney

Thanks for all the well wishes... =P

Looking back, I've lived on this planet Earth for a quarter of a Century already.. OLD!! =( .. Wondering what had I accomplished for the last quarter of a century, any IDEAS???

Well well.. The day started with lecture at 1000hr but I was in school at 8 plus, cos as usual.. I DUN SLEEP WELL!! haha.. went on the internet and log into my hotmail, the same usual routine.. BUT BUT BUT, guess what I saw?? A youtube invitation from Samantha.. HONESTLY, initially i tot it was a link for some birthday song but as I click on , tears jus roll down my cheeks.. Thank ppl.. =P

Then I was told to go home early by my frens, cos there was a PIZZA promotion for Tuesday, HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS, but i headed home anyway.. When I reach home, my fren went out to get the pizzas while I doze off as I was too tired!!

We had Pizzas!!

N Nuggetz too!! =P
We were all filled to our brim by the end of the pizza and nugget meal, but but.. there was still the surprise birthday cake (Brought by HX from the city) .. N it was time to meet and make fren with our new neighbour!! WHY?? Cos we all forgotten about the lighter for the candles, and i guess this is a usual affair!! The cake was nice and I had a slice too.. ( to some, you know I dun take cakes..)

me with the beautiful cake

Thanks frens.. It was a memorable day for me ...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Settled Down... FINALLY!!

Finally, we found a decent place to stay in Sydney, and it is close to UNSW!! Sharing the place with 2 other friends, paying AU$100.00 a week for the living room.. HEE =P

Well, this is how my "room" look like when we shifted it, we were all excited but I wasn't motivated at all to pack, or rather unpacked!!

Until a couple of days later.. my friend said: I CANNOT TAHAN ALREADY!!.. that we decided to head down to IKEA to do some shopping for furnitures!! The Ikea here is not as accessible as those in Singapore, we had to take a bus to City ($2.56, 1 way) then a train to Rhode ($5.60, 2 way) and walk for like 5min before reaching the mall when Ikea is..

Lunch at Ikea (Mash Potatoes with Sausages [$4.95])

Took a ride home from my fren's fren, cos we bought alot of things.. Headed home and started assemblying the items and unpacking.. There, my "room" after the make over.. simple and livable.. Still thinking whether i should get a bed thou.. =P

You all are always remembered!!
Of course, after we have settled down, it's time for a little celebration... We headed down to Circular Quay for a Shabu Shabu at this "ulu" jap restaurant ($35.00 Per Pax) to have a nice dinner.. Dinner comprises of Beef "steamboat", loads of veges, seafood salads and green tea ice creams.. YUM YUM!! =P

We headed down to Guylian (Pronoun as "Ge-Lian") Belgium Chocolate Cafe to have another round of desert and we are all filled to our brim!! And of course, we were all happy at the end of the day..

Well, well.. School be starting next week... Wish me Luck!! =P

Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Orientation" Week

Hello people in Singapore..

It's update time for the 2 weeks that i had been away.. =(

Arrived in Sydney at about 2100hr (Sydney Time) on the 23 Feb 09.. Was LOST & HELPLESS!! cos no one was there.. Took a cab down to my friend's place at Doncaster Avenue, Kensington that cost like AU$30 plus plus.. and then a "good" nite rest...

I visited the UNSW, Sydney campus, the very next day.. It juz feel weird being a student AGAIN!! The school was having this orientation thing, some sort like the TP orientation, open house kinda affair and the saddening things is that no one attended to ME!! ANGRY=(

Extra LARGE serving one Wanton Noodle Soup

me with my yuan yang with pearl!!

Well, the next few days is about house hunting with extra long walking hours a day!! That is why I needed all the energy that i could possibly get to sustain the day works!! OH OH.. look what I found in SYDNEY, doll catching machine.. whahahah.. and i understand from my fren that it is actually very popular here.. INTERESTING!! =)

Well, the journey so far, as much as this entry is concern, has really been a roller coaster ride.. I had my fair share of misses and worries but I believed with all the encouragements and supports from people at home, this 2 long years will be wonderful!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My First Week in Sydney ... =(

I finally left on a jet plane on the 23 Feb 09, to a place unconquered, SYDNEY!! Leaving behind me, a bunch of great friends and kids to pursue a dream..

I thought that life will be great, a time for me to refocus my life again and draw near to God. But I guess i was wrong.. I MISS HOME!!! I MISS THE PEOPLE BACK THERE.............