Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Orientation" Week

Hello people in Singapore..

It's update time for the 2 weeks that i had been away.. =(

Arrived in Sydney at about 2100hr (Sydney Time) on the 23 Feb 09.. Was LOST & HELPLESS!! cos no one was there.. Took a cab down to my friend's place at Doncaster Avenue, Kensington that cost like AU$30 plus plus.. and then a "good" nite rest...

I visited the UNSW, Sydney campus, the very next day.. It juz feel weird being a student AGAIN!! The school was having this orientation thing, some sort like the TP orientation, open house kinda affair and the saddening things is that no one attended to ME!! ANGRY=(

Extra LARGE serving one Wanton Noodle Soup

me with my yuan yang with pearl!!

Well, the next few days is about house hunting with extra long walking hours a day!! That is why I needed all the energy that i could possibly get to sustain the day works!! OH OH.. look what I found in SYDNEY, doll catching machine.. whahahah.. and i understand from my fren that it is actually very popular here.. INTERESTING!! =)

Well, the journey so far, as much as this entry is concern, has really been a roller coaster ride.. I had my fair share of misses and worries but I believed with all the encouragements and supports from people at home, this 2 long years will be wonderful!!


  1. haha can practise ur doll catching skill there

  2. haha.. siao!! waste money online.. play when i come home la.. is like 2 plus a game here.. n wat m i suppose to do with all the dolls if i caught them??
