Friday, November 20, 2009

This is it?!!??

FINALLY, I am officially done with everything (for this year, at least).. Exams actually ended last Saturday and I manage to hand in my final report for BABS3301 on Tuesday (on time, that is)!! AND SO.. IS THE H-O-L-I-DAY!!!

Well, what had been done so far?!!?? Been busy meeting up and chilling out with friends. We managed to go several places over this short span of time, namely; sculpture by the sea @ Bondi Beach, Shabu Shabu @ Naniwa-Tei, Dinner @ Wagaya followed by Pancake at The Rockz and also Yum Cha just today afternoon!!! Not forgetting, I was also busy packing up my place to get ready for the ROAD TRIP (which will start tml) and also my HOME COMING (when? I DUNNO)!! =P

For those reading this!! If you are studying, STUDY HARD (and good luck for your exams)!! If you are in the army, PROTECT THE COUNTRY WELL!!! and If you are working, WORK HARD!! so that when I return, we can PARTY HARD TOGETHER!!! =P

Catch up soon... cheerios!! =P

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Onward, We go...

My "NEW" hairstyle (balding? No?!??)

Manage to get my haircut before the exam this time and is at a special price of A$15.00 (Usual: A$19.00).. Typical chinese SINGAPOREAN la, can't live without a bargain!! =P

Well, well.. Uni term had officially ended (actually for a week already) and is 3 more days to the start of my examS series... =( BUT BUT.. I had been VERY DILIGENT this time, been, sleeping? facebooking? msning? oh.. did i mention, I HAVEN'T STARTED MY REVISION???? oopz... =(

Onward, I'll go.. This is the final lapse and I'm DESPERATE to do WELL!! LESTER, WORK HARD!! YOU CAN DO IT!! THE WHOLE AS4 GANG IS BEHIND YOU!! =P Shall bi guan NOW!!! See ya people in a bit... =P

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HAIZ... =(

Inside me, I know.. I had not been doing OK for this whole semester... =( And, exams are around the corner, I really odd to work HARDER and buck up with my studies!!


P.S. Please do keep me in all your prayers...

Monday, October 5, 2009


The 4 of us @ Honey Wok
It was mid-autumn festival on saturday.. And so we gathered, over a simple meal, ate the mooncake, drank the tea.. BUT!! too bad, it was raining, so, the moon was no where in sight!! =(
Still, it was a fun and relaxing night, with stories shared and lame jokes told...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Motivation, oh MOTIVATION!!

Been wondering what is happening to me these days!! There had been so many things cluttering my mind till I am unsure exactly what was or is in there?? HELP!!! =(

At times, I feel GREAT and really motivated to work on my assignment BUT at times, I just felt LISTLESS and lost for directions!! Is this the so called BIPOLAR DISORDER?? Well, I guess all human will suffer this at some point in time in their life, don't they??

And to make things WORSE, my back pain had been constantly haunting me these days TOO, and you guess it, the sleep problem tag along as well.. As a result, I NEVER REALLY HAD A PEACE OF MIND SINCE..

HAIZ.. =(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sydney appear ORANGE today..

Dear Diary,

Massive sand storm today, setting the scenaries of Sydney ORANGE throughout most part of the morning... With wind speed going up as high as 54Km/Hr, I have the feeling as if I was being BLOWN AWAY... =(

Beautiful scenary EXCEPT that the orangy effect was due to actual DUST!!

Well, well.. Life had been rather hectic for me.. =( My long anticipated mid-session break was overtaken by a week-long practical session!! BUT, it wasn't bad at all, it was filled with fun, laughter and JUICY GOSSIP and scandal too!! =P

Me with the subject coordinator (Alan Wilton)

My group mates for the week (Amy was sicked!!)

So what is a typical day like @ lab??

It start off with a BORING lecture (~2hr), telling us what we suppose to do for the day?

Followed by some serious (OR NOT SO SERIOUS) work?

And of course, LOTS OF WAITING TIME (and gossiping and scandal time?!!)

And also, acting studious and serious when it come to analysising our results!!

Not forgetting, time for EXPERIMENT 5!!??!

But the happiest of all, IT ENDED!! (not for all of us thou.. =P)

At a glance, only to realise how time had pass by... 5 more weeks and is going to be the end of session AGAIN!! MANY more assignmentS on the list, which includes 2 lab reports, a lab quiz and logbook for Biopharmaceutical, logbook and practical exam for Recombinant DNA, 3000-word essay for Human Biochemistry, and journal club and research grant proposal for my Research Project module!! After all this, IT WILL BE THE EXAMS ONCE AGAIN!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

SPRING.. a new season, a new BEGINNING... =P

Hello Peeps..

In a blink of an eye, IT'S SPRING... And the weather is finally turning warmer.. =P

Well, well.. Yesterday was the FINAL INSPECTION for my old place @ Doncaster and we have FINALLY handed over the place to the agent..

my "room" @ Doncaster Ave

Gone was the OLD, and what awaits ahead is the NEW & the BETTER..

the door & the shoe area

an overview of my NEW room and my DOUBLE BED

my very BIG cabinet

my study corner

never will i worry about toilet AGAIN..

the small kitchen..

the living area
In a blink of an eye, I am living at the new apartment for close to 7 weeks already!! I am enjoying every single moment here.. the convenient and the friendship..
Looking forward to the "new" life, more gathering with new found friends, enjoying and appreciating the beauty of Sydney, the road trip in November, etc.. BUT of course, I'll continue to WORK HARD so that I can PLAY HARDER later..
A new season, a new beginning... =P

Monday, August 31, 2009

Winter in a GLANCE...

Hello Peeps.. I'm Back!!!

Today marks the end of WINTER in Australia.. So what was I up to this winter?!?! Hibernating?? NOT!!!

Well.. I was at ..

Sentosa w the AS4 Kids

Dinner @ Breek (Follow by ICE AGE 3)

We went SINGING too... =P

The Smoky Effect from the "Dustbin??"

n there was FOOD (Char Siew Su or Egg Tart?? which is which??)

Jus look who is SINGING... =P

We also had late night (or EARLY MORNING) supper and we even head down to the Marina Barriage.. =P

Supper @ 85, Bedok

We were HAPPY (n tired!!.. )

Ya.. That's us...
There was also alot of dinner appointmentSS and MANY meet up with frens, colleague and family members.. To sum it all, it was food, foOD and MORE FOOD (n of cos, fellowship too)...

Dinner w Charlotte (at a home style Jap Restaurant..)

But all good things does come to an end.. and it was farewell once again.. On 23 Jul 09, I was on the jet plane, heading back to SYDNEY, for a new semester...

The lovely surprises and the ULTIMATE CARDIAC TEST..

Thank you!!

In a glance, I am 7 weeks into the new semester already.. It had been a busy semester and it will be a busy week ahead, with 2 mid session exams (Tomorrow and Thursday)..

Oh well, I am looking forward to SPRING.. a new seaon, a new begining.. =P

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boo... =P

I'M HOME!!! for a month or so...

7 days self quarantine and then HELL BREAK LOSS... =P

Monday, June 15, 2009

To err is ONLY human...

basic courtesy please was the nick..

reason for the nick was? I didn't formally introduce my guy friend to him while my friend came to my place this morning for exam preparation..

my reason was? he was doing his exercise regime and I was exam occupied (paper at 1345hr and I had not finish my preparation at 1100hr)!!

I apologies for my mistakes and then I was told that it will also not reflect well on him if he brings friends home and didn't introduce to me and just talk among themselves? (An indirect hint to me!!)

Conclusion? Disappointed with myself and MORE DETERMINED TO SHIFT OUT!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Depressing... =(

Haiz... =(

What a demoralizing first paper (Bioinformatics) to begin the whole exam series? Didn't managed to finish the paper plus dunno how to do alot of the questions!! HAIZ... 120 marks short answer questions paper in 120 minutes.. HAIZ..

Questions includes; what is a protein fold? what is a protein superfold? an example of each? draw 3 protein structure and discuss on their stability? calculation of nominal mass of protein given a esi spectrum and I DUNNO HOW TO DO THIS!!! ARGH.. BANG WALL AT HIGHEST VELOCITY!!!

HAIZ... =(

Friday, May 29, 2009

Things to ponder ...

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved and the rest is up to them.
I've learned that no matter how much I care,some people just don't care back.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trustand only seconds to destroy it.
I've learned that it's not what you have in your lifebut who you have in your life that counts.
I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better know something.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do,
but to the best you can do.
I've learned that it's not what happens to people, it's what they do about it.
I've learned that no matter how thin you slide it, there are always two sides.
I've learned that you should always have loved ones with loving words.
It may be the last time you'll see them.
I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't.

I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I've learned that there are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it.
I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I've learned that true friendship continues to grow even over the longest distance. And the same goes for true love.
I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned that sometimes you have to put the individual ahead of their actions.
I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I've learned that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves go farther in life.
I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give,when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I've learned that writing, as well as talking,can ease emotional pains.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon.
I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe.
I've learned to loveand be loved.I've learned... "I've learned"

By Omer B. Washington

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy... (n VEXED!!)

Hello WORLD!!

It's been long since I last blog about my life in Sydney..

Well, things hasn't change much, term is ending in 2 weeks time and that will mark the start of my first MAJOR EXAM, after a good 5 year!! This is a little scary, but with the assurance from all of the people back at home, I will continue to jiayou and DO WELL for all my papers... =P

There are still 5 more assignments underway (2 grp report, 1 pair poster presentation, 1 protein modelling assignment and 1 self reflection) and it is all due in 2 weeks time!! STRESSED!! But i guess, things will definitely work out, if I plan well enough, plus giving some extra time to do works that some leech odd to do? haha =P

Well, an additional things for now.. I might be shifting out from my current place if the school apartment is available for semester 2.. However, this might mean that I will be stuck in yet another housing problem, as the current lease end in August.. Pray that thing will turn out well and I do not have to loss so much money(~A$900?) ... HAIZ =(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trip to the Blue Mountain

It's been long since I last given myself a break.. Went for a day trip organised by the school on Sunday (03 May). The day started with us going to the Sydney Olympic Park, Featherdale Wildlife Park then lastly the Blue Mountain..

The group of US...

There was 17 international students, including me, that went for the trip. It was a very diversed group, with people coming from France, Uruguay, Vietnam, China, etc.. They are very nice people to hang out with, more importantly, they are of the same age group.. =P

@ Featherdale Wildlife Park

With the famous 3 Sister (Far Back)

World Steepest Railway (@ 55 degree)

Wentworth Fall

The scenery enroute to and at Blue Mountain was simply gorgeous and it is definitely a nice place to relax your mind from the busy city lifestyle.. It was definitely value for money and worth the time spend for the trip..

Roast Chicken with Vegetable (Free) and Beer (A$5.00)

The day ended with a simple meal at The Guff, with 2 other French exchange students..

Friday, April 17, 2009


I am so pissed NOW.. With myself, my group mates and the progress of my group assignment 2 for Commercial Biotech (IP and Patent Report), which is due on Tuesday (21 Apr 09).. I've got tonnes to attend to at the moment and my group mates are not pulling in their fair share of the weight.. Especially the INDIAN GUY, always talk big and not do anything!!

Well, he is MIA now, with his lappy with me!! What good can he do right? Only talk big, volunteer to do this and that, then in the end.. OH, I WAS BUSY WITH MY HONORS PROJECT!!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Long Weekend!!

The Easter long weekend had just pass..

I wasn't really motivated to do any work over the long weekend.. Haiz=( What adds on to the frustration was.. I didn't get my lab results to work on and I cannot find the things I need for the other report!! VEXED!!!

Soooooooo.. I decided to take a shopping trip to Bondi Junction on Good Friday and to my surprise, ALL THE SHOPS WERE CLOSED!!! Then, I figure my way to the Bondi beach and took a stroll by the beach.. It was HOT that day...

Bondi Beach on Good Friday

Just yesterday, I pampered myself to a nice bowl of Katsu Don (Pork) as I was having craving for it.. Is very nice and reasonably priced!!

Katsu Don (Pork) @ A$ 8.90

Hopefully, after the break I gave myself, I will be able to focus and pick up the momentum again...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mixed Feeling..

Sometime I wonder, have I really settled down or am I still missing home and the things and people I left behind??

I am begining to find that Sydney is a beautiful place to be in, just that I am not giving myself that room to explore!! I guess, at times, I should just freed myself, and to wonder around Sydney and capture the beautiful memories in this part of my life journey..

I know I am stressing myself up, as a result, I am not as fruitful as I want to be.. Tommorrow is Easter Break, I odd to pamper myself to something good, but here I am, trying to finish up my reports!! I still need to tidy up some things that were not completed prior to my departure from TP.. =( I am under alot of STRESS but I believed, I will pulled thru and emerged STRONGER...

Things will be fine, as time goes by...

P.S.: Come, hold my hand, and walk with me thru this life journey...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mid Sem Ahead..

Going to start MUGGING for the mid-sem exam that is on Monday (Mol. Bio of Protein) and Tuesday (Commericial Biotech) .. Thou the content is not too heavy but I guess it will give me a good feel what is Exam like again, morever, it had been about five years since I last had a formal academic examination..

Instant Noodle w Mocha Coffee

Been having instant noodle and Mocha.. Haiz =( Shall treat myself to something good during the break.. =P

What time is it?!!?? It's MUGGING TIME!! Whahahaha.. =P

Monday, March 30, 2009

@ Lab Session today...

There is a lab session for Mol Bio of Protein today, and guess what.. Out of the 5 people in my group, only the US gal and myself turned up!! And, there was alot to do..

1) His-Tag Purification of Carbamate Kinase using some nickel column
2) Bradford assay for the crude protein extracts
3) Casting of 2 SDS PAGE gels

And to the lab supervisors surprise, we were pretty much ahead of time and way ahead than the rest of the class and as such, I was also encouraged to perform another set of bradford assay for the fractionated samples, which is supposed to be carried out next weeks.. =)

Interesting.. Not to boast, but I really wondered WHY??!?!!

P.S.: I did the bradford assay for the fractionated samples too.. =)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Menu for e Week.. =P

Hi people, Food time again.. =P

Hazelnut Latte w Evil Swiss Chocolate Cake @ $5.00 (85 degree)

Salad (AGAIN) (23 Mar, Mon)

Not so nicely Grilled Chicken Drumlet with Baked Potatoes and Coleslaws (24 Mar, Tue)
Chicken Soup w Toasted Bread for Breakfast (25 Mar, Wed)

Mini Crisy Chicken Wrap from Macs ($2.45) for Lunch (25 Mar, Wed)

Cream Sauce Pasta w Ham for Dinner (25 Mar, Wed)

Bread w Fish Fillet n Cheese w Grapes for Lunch (26 Mar, Thu)

Cream Sauce Pasta with Chicken Nugget for Dinner (26 Mar, Thu)

Hearty Breakfast (27 Mar, Fri)

Sesame Oil Chicken, Fried Cabbage w Porridge for Dinner (27 Mar, Fri)

Curry Maggie Noodle w Luncheon Meat and Nugget for SUPPER (27 Mar, Fri)

Potato cooked w Chicken Wing w RICE cooked from a RICE COOKER($5) (28 Mar, Sat)
That's all folks... =P